Monday, December 20, 2010

Drink me, drown your sorrows.

Okay I'm seriously very pissed >:(.
Very, very, very angry. Like okay, so I planned to change to onsugar or wordpress. Damn it lah, onsugar must upload the pictures one by one, cannot like select the pictures and wait for them to upload one by one, very mah fun :(. Wordpress has a limited amount of space also, though it's three times more than blogger (3GB), but then when I uploaded like 30 something photos, left 98.1% only -_-. And it's so cheem. The whole wordpress, is so cheem.

I think I'll make another blogger account lah, blogger still the simplest and the easiest and most sou one. I use like since P6 or something leh LOL.
Or maybe I wasn't fated to upload pictures or something one :(. 

Friday, December 17, 2010

You know I want to be believe that we're a masterpiece, but sometimes it's hard to tell in the dark, who owns my heart.

OMG I CAN UPLOAD PICTURES. Although I was quite okay with moving to another blogging platform, ehehehehe :D. 

Nevermind, I can't upload photos again LOL. Maybe moving to wordpress or onsugar? Will see after I come back from Malaysia :))). AHAHAHAHAA. And of course I won't be deleting this blog, or any of my other blogs cause I took a looooooooong time uploading all these photos so AHAHAHAHAHA cannot go to waste :D, must keep :). Okay byebye :), update soon or something AHAHAHAHA. 

I am upset.

Argh. I used up 1 GB of my photo memory so I can't upload any more photos. Like seriously, did I upload THAT much pictures >:(. Bah. Might have to move to another blogging platform which I do not want to :(. Maybe wordpress or onsugar or something. But onsugar not really very nice, wordpress so cheem, tumblr... I haven't tried their upload photo function thingy.

And it seems like nobody has gotten this problem before. Bah. And I'm going overseas tomorrow with pictures to upload and now this :((((. Ahhhhh. LOL I didn't even realise there was a limit to how many pictures I can post. Maybe cause I'm making people lag AHAHAHAHA. Nah just kidding. Help, someone.

Do you know what it feels like to be the last one,

Just an overload of pictures before I leave for Malaysia AHAHAHAHAHAHA. 

A5 PBL project (Auntie Jojo)
Drawing out the scene LOL. 

Timothy looks so cute! 


Deng deng deng, Auntie Jojo. Clothes ALL MINE. 

Filming part 2 at Kai Lun's house ;). 

The lift. 

Boobies. Other obscene ones, but I wouldn't want to upload them on my blog AHAHAHA. 

And wth wth wth wth I cannot upload any more photos on blogger cause no more space or something >:(. 

Thursday, December 16, 2010

I'll be your teacher I'll show you the world.

A blog without pictures are boring. So here is one.

Self explanatory. Four boys on a bed. Two playing chess. The other two... don't know doing what. Ahem. And I! am playing with Kai Lun's webcam cause at that point of time in my life, I sadly didn't own a laptop with a webcam yet, so I was fooling around with his webcam ehehehe. Good times, good times.

Picture courtesy of Ng's blog ( 

Okay so I am really bored. Tomorrow leaving to Genting Malaysia don't know go where LOL. Just know it's some resort or villa or something. Will post pictures, cause I'm just that good a blogger.

All over the world.

I'm so demoralised. All Kai Lun's fault >:(. He posted all this pictures on his blog. Old pictures. Yesh, unglam pictures >:( cause I was fat at that point of times. Hmph. DEMORALISED AHHHHH. I must make it a point to delete any unglam pictures people take of me so they only have nice ones teehee.

Was at Big Bookshop today and I was flipping though the biology textbooks and man, I want to take Bio so much :(. Looks so interesting lorh. Too bad, I'm stuck with Physics and Chem, which I am happy about, but would be happier if I could take Bio too :)). Or I'll be the happiest if I could take Art together with the subjects I'm going to take, stay back after school for lessons or something. Then I'll have 8 subjects :). But too bad, I can't :'(.

Going to Malaysia in two days AHAHAHAHAHA. Yes, again :). I am a happy girl :D. Bowling and horse riding oh yeah :). 3 MORE BAND PRACTICES AND THEN START OF SCHOOL :D. I really want school to reopen now :). Scared of the lessons though, I don't have tuition and all the subjects ssem so cheem. I NEED TO FINISH MY CHINESE AND LITERATURE HOMEWORK SOON AHHH.

You're the only reason that I'm not afraid to fly.

So last night. As usual, I couldn't sleep again -.-. I stopped using my phone cause Isa wasn't replying (he fell asleep, he said this morning AAHAHHAHA), and it was what, erm, 1 or 2 am? So I reread my Seventeen Magazine cause I didn't really read through it properly the last time I read it so I read it again, and I was looking at this article about surviving college and then they talked about KAYA. KAYA. And then I started craving for Kaya -.-.

AHAHAHA I came to a point where I couldn't take it anymore so I asked my mum (It was 2 am or something) if I could eat kaya now LOL. She said no lah, obviously, but then she told me I could eat the bread on the table ehehehehe. So I ate two red bean buns AHAHAHA. Shared some with my brother who was playing the games on my phone (Date or ditch 2 or something LOL).

Then I went back to my room and was bored. Then I started flipping through my past issues of Seventeen Magazine and I saw this picture of Taya Rogers (I have no idea who she is too LOL) and so I decided to draw. Again. Grabbed my pencils, eraser and drawing block and started drawing. Well, it started out okay, and then the whole body wasn't proportionate though I thought it wasn't that obvious, so I continued until the arms and then I stopped.

I'm a troubled kid. I can't sleep at nights :(.

And when Kai Lun said Meizhen I remembered about this really weird and random dream I had yesterday night. We were in school right, but our school changed or something. So our class had to move to another classroom, and so we moved? And then all I remember was seeing a lot of classrooms and I realised we're on the wrong level so we went down and found our class or something. Then me and some other people (Girls I guess) walked down to the first level and reached this place where it looked like this quaint coffee shop and just rows of it basically. Like those american countries or something.

And then the principal or something was talking? Then suddenly this ride (You know the one near Central? Signapore River there got this ride where they shoot you high up and then you drop down?), well this ride dropped near us after it got shot high up and it kept bouncing there near us and we started waving at this four American girls who waved back at us.

Then after that I was walking to a classroom with this girl or something and then I was carrying popcorn which I was trying to sneak inside but there was this teacher so we had to hide from her or something and then my enemy (I didn't know who but in my dream she was my enemy cause I just had this feeling so we just leave it as that lah LOL) saw us and I gave her my popcorn which was butter and HEAVENLY, and she helped us LOL.

Like Inception, in dreams you don't remember how you got to one place, so that is exactly why I appear in random places.

And my other dream was I was wearing this really nice black Charles and Keith heels (Something like the one I have, you have never seen it, but it's nice AHAHAHHA) and we had to go to this beach but I was still wearing the heels so I assumed it was hard to walk.

And then suddenly I was telling my family or something how good this Chinese school was when we passed by it LOL.

The end. Weird dreams AHAHAHAHA.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

We've got to show the world we've got something to say.

THREE MORE DAYS AND I'M GOING TO MALAYSIA AGAIN WITH MY DEAR COUSINS ♥. Staying in a villa or something, boo yeah ;). Stupid pimple >:(.

You touched my life.


If someone asked you what you wanted, what would you say? 
Happiness :).

Honestly, who are the last four people who texted you?
Isa, Kai Lun, Sufyan and Shaik.

Have you ever stayed up all night on the phone?
All night? Nah. Texting, almost, but not all night AHAHA.

The last person you kissed started with a S?
Don't have AHAHA.

Are you afraid to grow up?
Not really no, except for all thse major exams I'll have to take :(.

Are you looking forward to anything?

Do you open up to people easily?
Depends on who the person is.

Who was the last person you had a serious talk with?

Do you like where you live?
Oh yeah :).

What's bothering you right now?
My face >:(.

Ever been called a bitch?
Uh huh, LOL.

Could you use some sleep right now?

Have you ever crawled through a window?
Car window? Yeah.

Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today?
Nope. I think today I only listened to Bread by Charlie Mcdonnell LOL.

Would you prefer being locked in a room with your ex or your worst enemy?

Do you ever think what if?
Who doesn't.

Who was the last person you wrestled with?
I don't wrestle :).

Has anyone ever told you have pretty eyes?
Nah. Myself AHAHAHA. 

Is confidence cute?
Not too much please :). Sometimes with some people it gets annoying.

Describe the shirt you are wearing?

Have you ever cried over a text message?
Those touching ones :).

Delete a year of your life, or start over in a new town?

How exactly are you feeling right now?

Is it easy to pretend everything's okay for you?

Do you like little kids?
Those cute ones :).

Would you want to know the date of your death?
NOO :(. I'm scared.

Do you want to see somebody right now?

Last people you rode in a car with?
My father.

Have you ever kissed the last person you texted?
(Sufyan), what, no -.-.

Is there someone you used to talk to every single day that you don't talk to anymore?
Yeah :/..

Who was the last person you took a picture with?

Are you going to have a baby by the time you're 18?

Its 12am, you wake up crying. You call?
I go back to sleep AHAHAHA.

Does it bother you when someone hides things from you?
Yeah ehehehe.

Now, here's what you're supposed to do, and please do not spoil the fun. Copy and paste this into your notes, delete my answers, type in your answers and tag your friends here in facebook to answer this. Then see what happens.
1. Do you need him/her to be good looking?  
Would be a bonus if he was ;). But yes, that would be awesome if he was drop dead gorgeous AHAHAHA.

2. Smart? 
Help me with my homework (Y). YES.

3. Preferred age?
Anything, just not too old, not too young.

4. Preferred height?
Tall :). 160++? Anything also can lah.

5. How about sense of humor?
YESSSSS >:(. Or else cannot tolerate my nonsense AHAHAHA. But must know when to stop.

6. How about piercings?
Don't mind, although it would be a bit weird. Unless he's those type of gangsters, then no.

7. Accepts you for who you are?
Of course lah -.-.

8. Pink hair?

9. Mushy or no?
Not TOO mushy please.

10. Thin or fat?

11. Black, Brown or White (skin color)?
Anything :). Tanned LIKE ME AHAHAHA.

12. Long hair or short hair?

13. Plastic or metal?

14. Smells good?
Oh yeah.

15. Smoker?

16. Drinker?

17. Girl/Boy-next-door type?
Would be nice :).

18. Muscular?
Not so muscular till veins bulge out. 6 PECS AHAHAHAHA. Nah just kidding, just fit lah.

19. Plays piano?
Would be cool.

20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar?
Both also can, but I like bass guitars :).

21. Plays violin?
Would be cool too.

22. Sings very good?
Serenade >:).

23. Vain?
Not as vain as me AHAHAHAHAHA.

24. With glasses?
Depends :). But I don't mind.

25. With braces?
Braces are cute.

26. Shy type?
Not really.

27. Rebel or good boy/girl?
A little bit of both >:).

28. Active or passive?

29. Tight or bomb?
Boomz. I don't know LOL.

30. Singer or dancer?
Dancers dance with girls sometimes >:(. So singer :).

31. stunner?
YES. Would be awesome.

32. Hiphop?
Not my type actually.

33. Earrings?
Weird, but I don't mind.

34. Mr/Ms. count-my-ex-girlfriends-until-you-drop?
Usually bad rep, no.

35. Dimples?
Cute ;).

36. Bookworm?
YESSS. Well anything lah actually LOL.

37. Mr/Ms. love letter?

38. Playful?
YES :).

39. Flirt?
No -.-.

40. Poem writer?

41. Serious?
Knows when to be serious.

43. Painter?
PAINT ME. Neh just kidding, would be awesome.

44. Religious?

45. Someone who likes to tease people?
Maybe :O?

46. Computer games geek? Or internet freak?
No please.

47. Speaks 20 languages?
Would be cool, but seriously? Twenty?

48. Loyal or faithful?
Isn't both almost the same? Yeah, must.

49. good kisser?
Yeah ;).

50. loves children?

She must stop chewing the bread of woe.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon.

So I was flipping through my Seventeen magazine and I saw this ad, which I see everytime and I thought the girl was really pretty so I took my cousin's drwing block and pencil and started drawing. Again. AHAHAHAHA. But unfortunately, it's like everytime I'm proud of my drawing I look at it and find all the mistakes that I'm too lazy to change -___-. ARHHHH. I mean it IS nice lah, but then the waist I didn't like curve it so the waist is huge, which results in a huge skirt, which makes her look fat :(. And her legs are too thin, but still forgivable. THE WAIST. I'm crictising my ownself :(.
"When you call a girl fat or ugly, it’s engraved into her mind. Every insult will stay with her forever, reminding her that she’s worthless, disgusting, and unloved. Her mind will be programmed to put herself down, to hate herself and her body. Call her pretty? She’ll remember it for a moment. Call her ugly? She’ll never forget it. Because she’s a slave to the pain that you never even thought about."  

And I wonder if I'd ever crossed your mind, for me it happens all the time.

Just watched Rapunzel, well actually not just, like two hours ago AHAHAHAHAAA. The beginning was a bit boring, only when Rapunzel reached the village THEN it was more interesting :)). And really romantic AHAHAHA oh Eugene. I rate it.. Like 7/10? And ate a lot :(. Gah.

Oh and well I realized that I look weird playing the mallets. I should really listen to our conductor and hold my sticks lower cause it looks pretty/kinda stupid if I hold I in the middle. And everytime a photographer takes a picture of me playing my sticks will look like their halfway in air LOL kinda amusin actually. But still the picture of me playing my beloved mallets look kind of professional. Cause it IS my instrument :)). Just in case you're wondering why the sudden topic it's brcause I saw photos of me, yes playing on FB and I saw a pattern in all the pictures of 'me' playing. I'm feeling really funny right now cause I keep repeating photos/pictures of me playing and it sounds yes funny.


And since we're on this subject I just want to just rant about something that quite annoys me. Somethig like a pet peeve. Yeah, I sometimes complain that my scores are so hard. But sometimes people say OH MALLETS SO EASY UH YOU SEE MY SCORE. Yeah, SOME mallet scores are simple as crap. But some are just as hard as yours are. If you say mallets are SO easy to play on my defense I'll have you know that we mostly have to look at more things then you do. The conductor (which I rarely do BUT STILL), our score (Count bars etc, I reckon ALL of you can memorise how many bars of rest and stuff for ALL the scores can you), and the keys. Usually those blowing instruments can look at the score/conductor at the same time AND feel the buttons/keys (forgot what it's called already LOL) so you know what button to press to play the correct note, whereas we have to look at the xylo/glocks etc itself to actually see where the keys are cause really, can YOU memorise where all of them are and play without looking at it? Same goes to the chimes for the We are the world part cause I really couldn't look at Mr Fahmi and see the chimes together and if I look at him and hit the wrong key and it's LOUD some more the mistake will be very obvious and I'll get a scolding. DONT look at Mr FAhmi and I might just get the wrong tempo so either way I'll still get scolded. But really, if I played it good or at least okay, it's usually based on luck or something LOL.

And I'm just defending mallets, I'm not directing this to anyone or anybody and I'm not saying mallets is harder than your instrument. TEEHEE I love all of you still :D.

Monday, December 13, 2010

All the times that we had, all the good all the bad, I'll keep them here inside.

Personally, I'm quite proud of this :). Except when joining the picture together I realised the thumb on the drawing I did is a bit too big but still, I like it :). And I like the pencils and erasers at my mum's computer desk AHAHAHAHAHA. They're nice to shade with actually :O.

Watching Rapunzel tomorrow :).

For you the world just opens up.

OH HI THERE IT ISH ME WHEN I WAS P5. And I lost that phone of mine ^^^ when I went to watch some Shark documentary at some place with my Science teacher and some other people AHAHAHAHA. Such a tragic story. But happy ending! My aunt bought me a new expensive (then) phone AHAHAHA. Very embarrassing photo actually, but it would be nice iif my teeth were more proportionate AHAHAHA. I was eleven. OMG so young >:B.

"You have to get hurt. That’s how you learn. The strongest people out there, the ones who laugh the hardest with a genuine smile, those are the people who have fought the toughest battles. Because they’ve decided that they’re not going to let anything hold them down, they’re showing the world whose boss."

"Guys drink to forget about the girls, girls drink to think back about the guy. When guys are in love, they become poor. When girls are in love, they become beautiful. Guys can forget, but can’t forgive. Girls can forgive, but can’t forget. Guys break up when they feel love from another girl. Girls break up when they feel separation. Guys feel curiosity towards all girls. Girls feel curiosity towards guys that are interested in them. When guys are heartbroken, they try to forget about the girl by going out with another girl. When girls are heartbroken, they try to find his characteristics in another guy. But finally, guys wish to be her first love, while girls wish to be his last."

You'll be drenched in the sun.


Sunday, December 12, 2010

My barefoot cinderella.

So when I woke up my hair was looking all like this and I grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil and start doodling (I said doodled) this AHAHAHAHA. I have taken a liking to the pencils at my mum's computer table's pencils. Cause they're all sharpened and nice to draw with :). Ehehehehe. AHAHA you can see Tumblr behind :D.

I have a runny nose and a cough. Baaaaahhhh :(. And going to Malaysia again this weekend AHAHAHAHAHAHAA. Then it's another three practices of band and then school reopens oh yeah :).
"It's sad when people you know become people you knew. When you can walk right past a person like they were never a big part of your life. How you used to be able to talk for hours and how now, you can barely even look at them."

And I can see a better day.

I AM SO BORED. It's 12:02am right now, I've watched America's Next Top Model Cycle 15 finished, and I don't really have anything to do already :(. Maybe search up for past Cycles that I haven't watched yet but that would be boring I guess, since I've already watched the, how to say, the modern-est out of the modern-est, or the newest of the newest. SMSing Sufyan right now though, please entertain me cause I am so bored :(. Gaaaaahhhh.

Girl's got a love like woe.

Today... I woke up at 5pm :). Ehehehehehe, before you judge me, I slept at 5am last night so I had exactly around 12 hours of sleep so there. I'm healthier than you are :). And today I'm stuck at home AGAIN :(, because this weekends my parents had to meet friends friends friends, so yes I am stuck at home playing computer cause it would be much more fun than sitting there looking at adults talk -__-. But I still want to go out :(. So I told my parents to order Pizza Hut for dinner ehehehehe ♥. And they did AHAHAHA now I'm waiting for my Cheesy 7 pizza (L) :)) and meatballs and garlic bread and pepperoni pizza. Oh yeah.


Credits for picture: Samantha Song.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

And then you say: "Do you wanna take a chance", stay with me forever.

So I was looking at my pictures I took with my beloved and very awesome Aino, cause I was searching for a MSN DP (Don't ask why LOL ;)) and then I found this whole bunch of pictures that I never blogged about, and I wanted to give them the spot light it deserved. And actually I'm also quite bored too :). And these pictures were taken in May (!!!), around the period of Kai Lun's (very epic) birthday incident EHEHEHE LOL.


So after school, we went shopping :). At White Sands NTUC AHAHAHA. We each bought twenty dollars, so every now and then we were calculating and calculating. 

With a scientific calculator! 

Shopping haul with someone's halfdrank mogu mogu AHAHAHA LOL. We bought four bottles for each of us :). Total only cost like 24 dollars or something? 

I fell in love ♥. 

So we head back to Jannelle's house to start :). 
Mixing the ingredients :). So we were in groups, me and Kim in one, and Ling and Nelle in the other, and we both cooked different dishes. Me and Kim cooked wanton and they cooked Shepard's pie :)

Jannelle's maid helped us fry everything LOL. 

And ta dah! I want more now :(. And it's 3.51am. Oh yeah, LOL, I'm blogging about this at 3.51am. 

And then we had leftover cheese or something and we used cheese in like a few wanton's. And man,were they awesome.



Just one more time :). Omg I'm going to drool. 

Ling and Nelle's Shepard's pie :). 

Then we had fondue and Jannelle has this really posh fondue set thingy. Rich. 

Not such a big fan of chocolate though :). 

Sapphire, Emerald, Ruby, Topaz. We each took one, and we had reasons to who took what. I STILL REMEMBER AHAHAHAHAHAA.You could have guessed it, but remember, this was in MAY. Things change ;). Posh fondue sticks. 


Cute ain't it. 

Movie time ♥ :D. 

Avatar :O. And at some point I got bored and played Jannelle's computer LOL. And I was on MSN and all three of them started going to the computer one by one to see who I was talking to and then they went to type in some nonsense and I had no choice but to log out :). 


I want to do this again some time :). 

And a picture of Kai Lun's birthday cake with all the raspberries on them cause nobody wanted them so we specially put it on the birthday boy's cake LOL :) because I liked the focus :). It was a delicious cake :).