Tuesday, December 14, 2010

And I wonder if I'd ever crossed your mind, for me it happens all the time.

Just watched Rapunzel, well actually not just, like two hours ago AHAHAHAHAAA. The beginning was a bit boring, only when Rapunzel reached the village THEN it was more interesting :)). And really romantic AHAHAHA oh Eugene. I rate it.. Like 7/10? And ate a lot :(. Gah.

Oh and well I realized that I look weird playing the mallets. I should really listen to our conductor and hold my sticks lower cause it looks pretty/kinda stupid if I hold I in the middle. And everytime a photographer takes a picture of me playing my sticks will look like their halfway in air LOL kinda amusin actually. But still the picture of me playing my beloved mallets look kind of professional. Cause it IS my instrument :)). Just in case you're wondering why the sudden topic it's brcause I saw photos of me, yes playing on FB and I saw a pattern in all the pictures of 'me' playing. I'm feeling really funny right now cause I keep repeating photos/pictures of me playing and it sounds yes funny.


And since we're on this subject I just want to just rant about something that quite annoys me. Somethig like a pet peeve. Yeah, I sometimes complain that my scores are so hard. But sometimes people say OH MALLETS SO EASY UH YOU SEE MY SCORE. Yeah, SOME mallet scores are simple as crap. But some are just as hard as yours are. If you say mallets are SO easy to play on my defense I'll have you know that we mostly have to look at more things then you do. The conductor (which I rarely do BUT STILL), our score (Count bars etc, I reckon ALL of you can memorise how many bars of rest and stuff for ALL the scores can you), and the keys. Usually those blowing instruments can look at the score/conductor at the same time AND feel the buttons/keys (forgot what it's called already LOL) so you know what button to press to play the correct note, whereas we have to look at the xylo/glocks etc itself to actually see where the keys are cause really, can YOU memorise where all of them are and play without looking at it? Same goes to the chimes for the We are the world part cause I really couldn't look at Mr Fahmi and see the chimes together and if I look at him and hit the wrong key and it's LOUD some more the mistake will be very obvious and I'll get a scolding. DONT look at Mr FAhmi and I might just get the wrong tempo so either way I'll still get scolded. But really, if I played it good or at least okay, it's usually based on luck or something LOL.

And I'm just defending mallets, I'm not directing this to anyone or anybody and I'm not saying mallets is harder than your instrument. TEEHEE I love all of you still :D.

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