Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I can't get your smile out of my mind.

I'm just so bored and I am dying to go out :(.
I still haven't done my Lit poem and Chinese homework yet :(.

And yesterday while I was eating my very late (and unhealthy) dinner of butter croissant and ham (makes me want to puke whenever I think of it, I ate too much already LOL) at 11pm something something, my dad came in the house with this huge ass DSLR around his neck.So I wanted to look at it, of course I wasn't expecting much, so when he did show me it, it was the old DSLR that still uses film -____-. LOLOLOL. It still looks professional though, just without the screen at the back. At the back is just one tiny little monitor that shows numbers. I have no idea what it's for anyway LOL.

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