Tuesday, November 30, 2010

How could I say no?

Band camp tomorrow, kinda mixed feelings. First time staying over at Bedok Green, and two of my most closest (girl) friends (Clara and Ling) will not be staying over :(. But looking forward to the concert and marching though :). And I just realised, I have yet to practice for my roll. And I'm still very nervous about the 'We are the world' chimes part that I will be playing :/.

Been tumblr-ing almost all day long, and feeling better today, not sick anymore, so no excuse to not stay over LOL. Jingwen has one of our VLOG's uploaded but I can't find it and she's not online :(. Oh wait, she's online, and she said I fail LOL. Anyway, here's the VLOG ;). We laughed a lot, but still. This is just the first one, still got a lot more I'm waiting for her to upload ;).

Anyway, you might want to lower the volume a little cause my voice like very high pitched, and set it to a lower resolution or something so that it will load faster or something LOL, and there's a lot of laughing in this video, just thought I should tell you :).

Anyway, miss me :).

Or am I just a roadblock in your way?

Was playing iSketch with Ng just now, pictures pictures pictures.
Look at the chat part LOL.

I screenshot-ted Ng's win but it's in my other comp :O.


She's got a love like woe, whoa oh.

Some do before already laa, but heck ;).

My childhood.
[x] Stuck your hand into the pot of rice (uncooked) and played around with it.
[x] Purposely stepped and walked 'box by box' on the tiles on the floor. (Still do it ehehehe)
[x] Used a mirror to reflect the light rays, causing this reflected light ray on the wall.
[x] Made use of the rough surface texture of a coin and shaded out the 'image' of it by placing a paper over it.
[  ] Folded back a sweet wrapper to its original shape.
[x] Sat in the supermarket trolley while your parents do grocery shopping.
[  ] Secretly pasted a piece of note behind your classmate's back. (watched sec 2 classmates do it though, on a teacher LOL)
[  ] Tapped someone's left shoulder but is standing on the person's right.
[x] Stepped and follow in the path of other people's shadows.
[  ] Threw other people's slipper down the flat.
[  ] Slid on the railing of the staircase.
[x] Walked in the opposite direction on an escalator. (all. the. time)
[x] Used a highlighter to paint your nails. (ehehehe)
[x] Purposely turned/spinned the umbrella that you held when it rained. (act ladylike)
[x] Purposely walked under the area where there's more rain while holding an umbrella. (boomz)
[x] Stood in front of the mirror and sing/dance/act when no one is at home.
[x] Purposely purred like a cat when you see a dog, or barked like a dog when you see a cat.
[x] Purposely stamped your feet at birds to chase them away. (I'm mean)
[x] Burst the bubbles of the protective layer for electrical appliances/bulky/fragile stuff. (BUBBLE WRAPP)
[  ] Played teacher-student game with soft toys

Total: 14

Tally up your scores, then times the number by 5 to get the percentage. Rename the note as 'I had a ___%  interesting childhood.' And tag as many people as you want.

I had a 70% interesting childhood :). (Though there are still things I still do EHEHE)


INSTRUCTIONS: Fill out these questions and make a new note called "ABC About You."  Then tag 25 people.  If you got tagged by me, you have to take this survey and re-post it!   Don’t forget to tag me because I want to know more about you!

So what's up?

B - BIRTHDAY: 9th August.
C- CRUSHING ON: Rapidash (L).
J - JUGGLE: Can't :(.
M- MILKSHAKE FLAVOR: Don't like milkshakes >:(.
O - ONE WISH: :).
R- REASON TO SMILE: A lot of things lah, LOL.
S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD: Break your heart - Taio Cruz
T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: 11am something, something, close to twelve though.
V - VEGETABLE: Eugh. Don't like. I do like coleslaw though!
W - WORST HABIT: Biting my nails -.- .
X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD MOST RECENTLY: Don't remember having one >:/.
Y - YOYOS ARE: Nostalgic.

Your favorite number(s):  Ain't got one :).
What color do you wear most: White LOL.
Least favorite color: Lime green, muddy green -.O.
What are you listening to: Silenceeee :B.
Are you happy with your life right now: Maybeee.
What is your favorite class in school: ART ART ART ART. Not taking next year though :((.
Who is/are your best friend/s: Kim Kim Kim ;). A5 and Clique 4.
Are you outgoing: With strangers? Not at all.
Favorite pair of shoes: Oh my beloved Bata flats. Which spoilt during the class BBQ >:(.
Can you dance: Was in a dance group once, performed a few times during Primary School, I guess I can. I still remember the dance steps ;).
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth: Never tried doing it :(.
Can you whistle: Sadly, no :(.
Cross your eyes: Not really.
Walk with your toes curled: AHAHAHA. I don't get it.

Do you believe in life in other planets: Not really..
Do you believe in miracles: Yes.
Do you believe in magic: Don't think so.
Love at first sight: Noooo, yesssss. I don't know.
Do you believe in Santa: Nope.
Do you know how to swim: Yeah, survivor bronzeeee :B.
Do you like roller coasters: I'm scared of those with 360 degrees turns, never tried them, but besides that, I guess I could say I like roller coasters ;).
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows: Worms, bugs, no.
Have you ever been on a plane: Yessh, A380 (Y).
Have you ever asked someone out: Friends?
Have you ever been to the ocean: Yes, then I got stung by a jellyfish -_-.
Have you ever painted your nails?: By myself? Nope LOL.

What is the temperature outside?: I lazy check lah LOL.
What radio station do you listen to: 91.3 FM!
What was the last restaurant you ate at: Ehhh, somewhere in Genting lah LOL.
What was the last thing you bought: Erm. Some teddy bear handphone thing?
What was the last thing on TV you watched: 3 brothers or something on channel U LOL.

Who was the last person you IM'd: Ah Lun. To ask him what is 5x13 for the first quiz LOLOLOLOL.
Who was the last person you took a picture of: Sheng Rong, Ali and Timo using phones during sectionals ;).
Who was the last person you said I love you to: I don't know :O.

Ever really cried your heart out: Yeah.
Ever cried yourself to sleep: Once?
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder: No, LOL
Ever cried over the opposite sex: Yesh.
Do you cry when you get an injury: YESSSSSS, sometimes LOL.
Do certain songs make you cry: I guess not :O.

Are you a happy person: :D.

What is your current hair color:  Black.

What shirt are you wearing: P5 camp shirt LOL.
Pants: Some skirt/shorts.
Necklaces: None.


Favorite eye color: Sexy green eyes, or blue.
Short or long hair: For guys? Short please. But not too short.
Height: Around, 10 cm taller than me? Which is hard -.-.


Been to jail: In monopoly :D.
Mooned someone: Whatt.
Thought about suicide: Thought?
Laughed so hard you cried: No LOL.
Cried in school: Yes -.-.
Thrown up in a store: Nope.
Wanted to be a model: Used to. I SAID USED TO.
Seen a dead body: At a funeral :/.
Been on drugs: No -.-.
Gone skinny dipping: Wth no.


Pepsi or Coke: Coke.
McDonald's or Burger King: BURGER KING.
Single or Group Dates: Group :).
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla I guess.
Strawberries or Blueberries: Strawberries.
Meat or Veggies: MEAT MEAT MEAT. (Carnivore)
TV or Movie: Depends on the movie or TV show.
Adidas or Nike: Nike ;).
Chinese or Mexican: Mexican.


When you are tagged, fill it up and post it in your Notes as 'My Biography' and please give your own answers.
then, tag 21 of your friends.

1.Where did you take your profile picture? Genting, mushroom farm LOL.
2.What exactly are you wearing now? Skirt/shorts and P5 camp shirt.
3.What is your current problem? BAH.
4.What makes you happy most? Hmmm, changes from time to time ;).
5.What's the name of the song that you're listening to? Not listening to any music now.
6.Any celeb you would marry? TAYLOR SWIFT. Just kidding, I can't :(.
7.Name someone with the same birthday as you?  Singapore ;). Nah I don't know who else LOL.
8.Ever sang infront of a large audience? YES, BGSS Idol D:.
9.Has anyone ever said you look like a celebrity? Noooo. Except that Maggie character on TV by Kim and Ng -.O.
10.Do you still watch kiddie movies or kiddie TV shows? Yes :).
11.Do you speak any language? English and Jerlynish.
12.Do you ever watch MTV? Once, twice, a few times.

Chapter 1:
1 Middle name: Don't have one :(.
2 Nicknames: LLAMA :D. A lot lah, LOL.
3 Current location: Tampines, Singapore, Asia, Earth :D.
4 Eye colour: Black?

Chapter 2: 
1.You call a question a chapter? No I don't.
2.Do you get along well with your parents? Guess so.

Chapter 3:

1. Favourite what :O.
2. ^^^^

Chapter 4 :
Do you....

1.Dance in the shower? Sing, yes, LOLOLOL.
2.Do you write on your hand? Yes, all the timeeeee.
3.Call people back? Nope. Unless they totally spammed me.
4.Believe in love? Course.
5.Any mental health issues? Maybe :B.

Chapter 5 :
Have you...

1.Broken a bone? Doubt so.
2.Sprained anything? No?
3.Had physical therapy? Nope.
4.Gotten stitches? Yes :(.

1. I love: My phone.
2.I dont understand: Maths and algebra and boys -.-.
3.When i wake up in the morning: I brush my teeth.
4.My life is filled with: Stupid random things.
5.I get annoyed very quickly when: people keep asking the same questions over and over again -.-.
6.Parties are: awesome with awesome company.
7.Female dogs are: Bitches?
8.Cats are: adorable. (I suddenly thought of Aidil)
9.Tomorrow is: the day of Band Camp 2010 dum dum dum.
10.I have a low tolerence for: almost everything :(.
11.If I had a million dollars I would: Go on a crazy shopping spree. Go on holidays. Duh. Nah, I'll save half of it ;).


Rules are: you enter the letter into the search box and first name to appear (or at least one of the first) answer truthfully (if the same person comes up twice use next down the list) Tag each person you mention. Let's begin..

 A. Andrea Tong. 

 1) Is this person your enemy? Noooo.
 2) Are you friends with this person? Yepps .
  3) Do you miss this person? Yessh, my mentee :(.

 B. Lim Kai Boon Shiru. 

 1) What do you really think of this person? MY COUSIN.
 2) What's his/her favorite color? I don't know LOLOLOL.
 3) Ever danced with them? Erm, no.

 C. Chung Wei Tat.

 1) Do you have a crush on this person? EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEW.
 2) Have you ever had a crush on the person? NONONONONONONONO.
 3) How old is he/she? 14.

 D. Samuel Dragonz Poh. 

 1) How long have you known him/her? 2 years or so?
  2) Biggest regret? Nah.
 3) Do you hate this person? Nope.

 E. Elysia Poh. 

 1) Have you met his/her parents? Yesssss :D.
 2) Worst thing about this person? Hmmm, can't think of one :(. She draws better than me >:(.
 3) Best thing about this person? OH SO HYPER.

 F. Sheenaz Felton Keynes

 1) Have you ever dated this person? Nooo.
  2) When is the next time you will see him/her? Next year if she's not transferring :).
  3) Do you go to school with him/her? Uh huh :).

 G. Jacob G Kee

 1) Are they a good listener? He has his moments.
 2) Have you ever lied to this person? Yes :).
 3) Is this person nice? DEPENDS >:(.

 H. Hana TheeOnee

1) What grade are they in? P5?
2) Is he/she your best friend? Not close ;).
3) Ever done something illegal with this person? LOL NO.

 I. Irene Tan 

1) Is this person quiet/loud? Maybeeee.
2) Is this person nice?  Yes ;). (Must say) LOLOL kidding.
3) Do you go to school with them? Nope.

 J. Jasmine Tan 

 1) Do they have any siblings? I don't know D:.
 2) Do you know their favorite song? Don't know again LOL.
 3) What would you do if they confessed they liked you? Awwww ;).

 K. Keith Wetard

1) How old were you when you first met? 13 years and 364 days old -.-. (@ Aloy's Birthday BBQ)
2) Ever danced with this person? No-.-
 3) Ever kissed this person? Noooo.

 L. Levia Chin

 1) What would you do if you had never met this person? I wouldn't know ;).
 2) Do you like him/her? Duh!
 3) Would you go to Disney World with this person? Maybeeee.

 M. Isa Maritz

1) Is this person older than you? AHAHAHAHAHAA no :). I'm older teehee.
2) Is this person single? Uh huh. I think.
3) Have you ever got caught doing something bad with this person? Hard to say LOL.

 N. Andy Neo 

1) Is this person your boyfriend/girlfriend? Sorry, no :).
2) Have you seen this person cry? Nope :(.
3) Do you know this person's favorite sport? Nope LOL.

 O. Rauf Omnomnom 

 1) Do they have braces? Nah.
 2) When was the last time you saw him/her? School? LOL. Very long ago LOL.
 3) Have you ever liked each other? Not that, like like.

 P. Byun Phy

1) Have you ever been to the mall with this person? Nah.
2) Are you fairly close to this person? Okay okay lah, chinese class together ;D.
3) Does this person have a job? Noooo, LOL.

 Q. Ong Kar Qi

1) Have you ever liked this person? Friends, yeah, quite handsome LOL.
2) Does this person have a job? Not that I know of :O.
3) When was the last time you saw him/her? In school -_-.

 R. Ryan Wang

1) Have you heard this person sing? Uh huh, at Old Folk's Home CIP LOL.
2) Do you think this person will repost this? Nope, LOL.
3) Whats one thing you would change about this person? Bah.

S. Sheryl Tng

1) Is this person taller than you? YES :(.
2) Do you enjoy spending time with him/her? YOG, WCV, USS (L).
3) Do they live close to you? Bedok?

 T. Weilingxz Tan

1) When is the last time you saw him/her? Yesterday LOL!
2) Have you been to his/her house? Nope ;(. But she's been to mine.
3) Do you like this person? ♥.

 U. No one LOL.

1) Have you heard this person sing?
2) Do you think this person will repost this?
3) Whats one thing you would change about this person?

 V. Valerie Jokewithyou

1) What would you do if you had never met this person? Sad lah, once less person to talk to/ exchange glances to in band :((.
2) Do you like him/her?Yesshhh.
3) Would you go to Disney World with this person? With a few other friends yeah :D.

 W. Windsor Thniah

1) Is this person quiet or loud? LOUDDDD
2) Name a friend that both of you are close to? UHM. LEMME SEE. IN PRI WAS DANA? XD THE LAST TIME ON FB WAS JIAYING N WEIQIN?
3) What color eyes does this person have? Brown? O.O

 X. Seow Xin Yi

 1) Do you like him/her? Lol ahaha as a friend yes :D
 2) How do you meet this person? Through Kimberlyyyy :D.
 3)Do you miss this person? Hmm, maybe ;).

 Y.  Shermaine Yap

1) How did you meet this person? She added me on FB LOL.
2) Is this person funny? I don't knowwww.
3) When was the last time you and this person hung out? Never hung out before LOL.

 Z. Zachary Sayshibye

1) Do you have any nicknames for this person? NGGGGGGGGGG (Y)!
2) How do you know this person? Through KL and going recess together etc etc, BGSS :D.
3) Ever been to this persons house? He won't let me :(.


Monday, November 29, 2010

I once was a kid, all I had was a dream.

Band camp tomorrow.

Look inside your tiny mind, now look a bit harder.


Then it's three days two nights band camp, Weiling's not going, Clarabelle's not going :(. And I have to stay over even though I stood down there in the band room trying to persuade the band majors with Timohtee and Ivan begging them to let us not stay over. Well actually Timothy did most of the talking, and me and Ivan just complained and butt in at some points. But after we gave up and sat down there watching the majors eat Oreo's in the band room. And I sun bian wait for Ah Tan to walk back to the bus stop.
And then today I thought I was going to be sick, (cause my nose feels hot, don't ask why, and that's what happens usually before I fall sick), and then I (purposely) walked in the rain somemore and sat under the aircon on the bus, still wet. Wished I was sick, but regretting now. Eyes hurt nose still hot. Oh shucks.

On the bright side, maybe I won't have to stay over nyehehehehehe. I'm sleepy.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

What you're hiding underneath.

10 Day Photo Challenge
Day 1 - Your Facebook profile photo.
Day 2 - A photo of yourself a year ago.
Day 3 - A photo of someone you love.
Day 4 - A photo that makes you happy.
Day 5 - A photo of you making a funny face.
Day 6 - A photo of a former crush.
Day 7 - A photo of you and your best friend.
Day 8 - Your most recent photo of you.
Day 9 - A photo of you have taken.
Day 10 - A photo that makes you laugh.

Day 1 - Your Facebook profile photo.

Day 2 - A photo of yourself a year ago.

Day 3 - A photo of someone you love.

Day 4 - A photo that makes you happy.
Refer to Day 1. Cause I look exceptionally nice (bhb bhb).

Day 5 - A photo of you making a funny face.
Long time to find one, anything will do lah.

Day 6 - A photo of a former crush.
I help you narrow down. It's a dudeeee.
On the left hand side of the photo. Easy to guess now, eh.

Day 7 - A photo of you and your best friend.

Day 8 - Your most recent photo of you.
I guess it's this, LOL.

Day 9 - A photo of you have taken.

If that means a photo I took, then

Photo I took of myself by myself (aka camwhore)
I was having a particularly good hairday.

Day 10 - A photo that makes you laugh.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

There he goes, my baby walks so slow.

Three people (Sufyan, Kai Lun and Isa, different time different people) have asked me to go and watch Harry Potter 7 with them, oh I feel so loved ♥. Ahahahaha, but can't watch again :B. Oh well.

Well anyway, Lun is watching now and Ng is at church and etc I am oh-so-bored :(. Band tomorrow :(, then one more day of rest then band camp, then the concert.
BGCB's Concert ;).

Date: 2nd December.
Venue: Bedok Green School Hall.
Time: Around 7.30pm.

Admission price: Should be free, I guess :O.
Attire: Smart.
Get the tickets from any of the band members if interested.

Bah I will shoot you if you don't come >:(. Naw, just kidding. Not going to go to jail or something over you ;). And then after the concert is,

 Two weeks of break from band :)))).

And then another three more practices and it's back to school :(. Quick band end quick band end :((.
Haven't done my Lit and Chinese homework yet. Oh damn it. I have poet's block.

Singing Bah Bah Black Sheep with Isa through text now, shows how bored I really am.

Don't change me.

For day four click 'Older Posts' or scroll down.  

Woke up at 9am or something, got ready to go down cause it was the last day that we're going to be there already so must spend fully. Headed down to lobby's Cafe cause we heard the prata there was nice :).
Trust me, the prata is delicious. Just forgot to take a picture of it that's all LOL. Only tried the chicken's skin, crispy and tender, nice :).

And then we saw that the line for this wasn't really that long so we lined up and sat on this boat. Macau one, is so much better. Real live singer some more LOL. And cute ;).

Throw coins to make a wish. Just realised I didn't make a wish. I just threw the coin I think :O.

Just look at the amount of coins there are in the water LOL.

The reindeer carriage ride thingy that we sat on.

And then we were getting really bored, and there was still time so we went to the internet cafe, again LOL.

AND I FOUND HIGH STREET 5 GASPS!!!!!!!!!! But I forgot my password and username already so never play :(((((. Sad lah.

Then watched Budget Barbie (Here - http://clicknetwork.tv/) with Jingwen LOL. Episode loaded very slowly though :(, and HQ wasn't even on. 

Went to check out the Rolling Thunder Mine train, a lot of people outside queueing so we didn't bother going in anymore. So went to Outdoor Theme Park again, was wearing shorts but luckily it was quite sunny outside LOL. Played 6th round of Flying Coaster, awesomeeee (Y).  
Then went to get Baskin Robbins cause I wanted to try their Frozen Yoghurt and KB wanted to eat something cold. And then I decided to be UNhealthy and ordered Double Scoop. But it was a JUNIOR double scoop ;). Ordered Frozen Yoghurt and Cookies and Cream. Damn freaking awesome.

So awesome it deserves another picture.

And then we headed back to the hotel to check out :(((. You know why my boots are on the floor?

SADDDDDD D:. Although made in china lasted me for one year (and three, four times wearing only) LOL.
Left it in the hotel room :(.

One last picture of my sexy boots. I love you :').

And meanwhile my ice cream that was melting. But still delicious and damn freaking awesome AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA.

Still had until 2 o'clock before we left, so we went to Karaoke, to slack LOL.
RM33 for one hour for quite a big room, quite good actually ;D.

So cute, microphone caps they now look like ice cream LOLOLOLOL.

Jingwen so drama :O. LOL just kidding ;D. She only did that like once or twice only anyway LOL.

And then we bought Fried chicken to eat in the car and set off.

During the car ride my brother was sleeping so I played Mario Party on my DS on my own and I kept playing the same game over and over again as you can see. Cause I'm very good at this game ;D.
Yes, Peach is me and I rule ;D.

You press the buttons and you jump across the books or something, my fastest timing was around 12 seconds point something something or something lah LOL.

And then dropped off at some place for dinner. Same place as where we ate our breakfast the last time we went to Genting LOL.

I look like a perv LOL.

Quite nice, but I took too long removing the veggies LOL.

Didn't get to eat this.

Satay, the rice tasted a bit different from Singapore's one, but the Satay was the best dish in my opinion, sauce was hot too ;D.

Their speciality chicken wings, can't figure out what's the seasoning, but this tasted damn good :D.

Didn't get to eat this either.

Or this. Jingwen's favourite, sambal kang kong or something lah LOL.

Nice :).

Very fresh :D.

And the whole meal was only like what, thirty sing dollars only? DAMN CHEAP LAH. All this plus another plate of Satay.

And then we went to this store besides the food store cause I saw their pillows and they were damn cheap.

Bought a spongebob pillow, handphone charm and some soccer bolsters, LOL.

And then drove back to Singapore blah blah blah :).
Jignwen posted tooo >>>>> http://mystory-x.blogspot.com/.