Friday, November 26, 2010

Like I'm holding onto something that's invisible there.

This took a long time, and my finger hurt from clicking. Stupid blogger no drag and select for uploading pictures. NOOOOOOO, they had to let you manually click every picture. Every. One. Hundred. And. Thirty. Two. (including the two times I uploaded the print screen above ^)

Day three before this post, click 'Older Posts'.

Woke up, breakfast at Old Town White Coffee, opposite Outdoor Theme Park.

Decided to be HEALTHY, and ordered Organic Wheat Grass Honey Juice. Taster weird. Nothing like the wheat grass juice I bought :(. Had to drink mum's Ice Milk Tea. Which was sour. For some reason.

Finally got my French Toast Craving.

Jingwen's instant noodle. Nothing special LOL.

Reason why day four has so many pictures, is partly because of this place ;).


Pick strawberries, oh pick the strawberries.

Looks pretty right, the place, like those gardens you imagine, green grassy meadow blah blah blah. Wrong :(.
Reality, green algae on the ground. Too busy trying to keep my bag away from the strawberries cause I thought it was kinda dirty :O. But still managed to get nice strawberries ;).


AHAHAHAAAA BUY 4D, both our (Me and my brother, Jingwen and her brother) strawberries weighed the same :O.

Some bee exhibit thingy LOL.

Check out our cute strawberry headbands LOL.

Love this picture ;).

HOLE IN MY HAIR ^^^^^^^.

Scary looking mushrooms.


Scary mushrooms again.

Bought some Snow Jelly drink while the guys bought Aloe Vera. Not as interesting (and nice) as mine ;).

And then we drove up up up the mountain (Did I mention the Strawberry Farm was around 15 minutes down the mountain? Well I just did)
And one of the other reasons for having so many pictures for day four, is because of this placeee :).
Some temple, forgot the name already :O.


My mum who snapped this picture said I look like a concubine and KB is the Emperor and he's shaking his head at me O_O. And if you noticed I switched shoes with Jingwen again LOL :D.

Mr Genting. Whom I mistook for Chairman Mao :O.

Here is me begging my father to get me a DSLR LOL.

Switched shoes LOL.

LOL my grandfather so cute.

I cheat play flute one EHEHEHEHE LOL.

And then after that, me, Jingwen, KB and their mum went up to the mountain to explore somemore while the rest stayed to rest LOL.

See. LOL.

Oh so there was this shortcut to the higher parts of the mountain, and it was really steep and Jingwen told me to go up first, which I did. Trust me, it was scary. Like you're going to fall any moment like that LOL.
But all of us tried in the end ;). Cause this was shorter than the other way LOL.

My mum waving at us LOL.

KB found something that looked like a bar LOL.


OKAY OKAY, SO WE SAW THIS LONG LONG LONG FLIGHT OF STAIRS, and curious, me and KB went to climb it along with these father and his two children. Jingwen and her mum stayed where they were to take pictures. Okay, so we went up...

All the way to that point up there. AND FURTHER SOME MORE. Until KB told me (who was still climbing up, he already reached the second, third (?) flight of stairs LOL) EH GOT NOTHING ONE LAH. So I curious (again) went to climb up all the way up where he was, saw the three of them climbing down laughing, and I looked up, ANOTHER LONG FLIGHT OF STAIRS. You have no idea how many steps there were. And there were algae or moss at the side of the stairs which grossed me out LOL.

It was on the mountain and cold but by the time me and KB walked down we were sweating, A LOT.

See, he's tired.
AHAHAHAHAHAAA, and Jingwen laughed at us LOL. And after resting for a while we continued walking down.

And we saw something in KB's hair LOL. Instead of plucking it out, me and Jingwen whipped out our cameras and snapped it. Which was kinda stupid actually LOL. Cause that thing was still stuck in his hair LOL.


Jingwen told me to pose for this. No idea why also LOL.
And at this point I was telling my father how we climbed up the stairs up the mountain and didn't see anything much up there, he said: "OH! SO YOU'RE THE TWO STUPID STUPID PEOPLE WE SAW CLIMBING UP THE STAIRS." cause he could see us from there :O LOL.

Still switched shoes LOL we are damn epic.

Some bird we saw stuck on the observatory point.

And then we ate at a Vegetarian Restaurant. YES, ME, IN A VEGETERIAN RESTAURANT.


Iced water served in a glass to me and Jingwen. Looks like Swensen's ice cream glass one LOL SO FANCY ;D.

Looking at the view from the Temple's hotel lobby's balcony LOL.

Here is me playing Collapse on my mum's iPhone 4 LOL. The brown colour thing hanging out from my pocket is my Spongebob Screen Cleaner my father found for me in Genting cause I keep wanting a spongebob key chain LOL :D.

And then when we headed back to Genting First World's hotel lobby we decided to go and catch Unstoppable the 4 something show or something cause we really had nothing to do already LOL.
So KB went to buy the tickets and we slept in the hotel for a while and then after that we went to watch Unstoppable ;D. Which was an awesome show.

After that went to the outdoor theme park and played this ride/game LOL.


Very rusty. Lucky my short legs cannot reach the seat LOL.

And look at Jingwen's poor thumb nail. It was very long at first one LOL then when she was bowling the last night it broke off LOL so epic.

Jeric again LOL!

And after playing a few rides decided to nom on Marrybrown's. Delicious, they were the food but the woman at the counter didn't really speak a lot of English so there were many repeats LOL.

KB's lucky plate. And the bread was delicious he gave it to me cause he said he didn't want it and I said I wanted to try it LOL.

Me and Jingwen both ordered Fish and Chips. Love battered more than breaded ;D (Y). AND THEIR COLESLAW IS DAMN GOOD LORH. The fish was too oily thought. But still good and awesome :D.

Jeric's Black Pepper Chicken, tried the chicken and it was spicy, but still good ;D.

Ahahaha, and we saw this man who was working in the store opposite us drawing on the window. So cute LOL.

Kinda unglam shot of Jingwen LOL.

Quite failed camwhore shot LOL. At least I dare to post all this unglam pictures :).


And then we went to bowl two games again ;D.

LOL at the guy in the orange shirt :O. But I think he got a strike, so yet again, I'm in no position to cricticise him LOL. And he was part of this group of people besides our lane who irritated me A LOT. WHY CAN'T IT BE THAT CUTE GUY FROM JUNE D:.

Jeric walking like a model LOL SO CUTE.


And we were very bored and didn't feel like going back to the hotel room yet so we went to the Arcade to play LOL.

Jingwen trying this piano game.

The boys at some shooting game LOL.
Jingwen and I went to play the motorcycle game we liked ;D. But quite expensive laaaaaaaaah. One game RM8 or something :O.

Hole in my hair again LOL ^^^^^^^.
Camwhore while waiting for the guys to play their car racing game besides us LOL.

This car racing game LOL.

And then Jeric redeeming the tickets which he got by playing this game he found really interesting LOL.

And print! Cause we thought we weren't going to play the Arcade there anymore so we gave the tickets away to someone else ;D.

Day four is done. This is the longest picture post that I think I have posted :O. 

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