Thursday, November 18, 2010

But yesterday's gone.

Always knew after all these years
There’d be laughter there’d be tears
But never thought that I’d walk away
with so much joy but so much pain
And it’s so hard to say goodbye

But yesterdays gone we gotta keep moving on
I’m so thankful for the moments so glad I got to know ya
The times that we had I’ll keep like a photograph
And hold you in my heart forever
I’ll always remember you

Going to Malacca tomorrowwwww :). Downloading a few songs to my phone to listen on the way thereee. I like dragging my words LOL. And I had this really random dream last night.

I dreamt that Ryan, Kar Qi and Kai Lun was going to help Mdm Hazwah sell something then when they sell four dollars worth of items they get seven dollars of commision (!!!!) blah blah blah, then I was in the taxi with them and Ng lent me his Polaroid Camera (!!!!!!!) (And I don't know where Ng came from, probably the front seat of the taxi LOL) and I tried taking a picture of something. But the picture didn't come out yet. Like not processed finished. It was a fujifilm polaroid cam :OOOOOO. Like zees.

Okay so we stopped off at some car park or something? And the picture was a picture of someone KQ or KL tryign to stop a baby from crying LOL. And the picture came out from the taxi door or something when I had to drop off LOL.

Then I had to go back home and I followed Ng cause he was the only CLOSE friend I had there, so I followed him,  and then halfway when we were walking I realised we're taking different bus stops, so I rushed back to my bus stop cause I saw Clarabelle and Weiling walking there so I ran and caught up with them.

Then I was telling Weiling about Zachary Ng's Polaroid Camera (It was pink) and Weiling was so jealous and suddenly this visualiser or however you spell it screen came down from the bus stop (!!!!!) and she started lecturing me about the different colours of Polaroid Camera's.

And that, is my dream, LOL.


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