Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Try and catch me now.

Day one before this post, click here or click 'Older posts'.

It is now 2pm. And day two is up, gosh, I don't know what's come over me :O.

 Woke up, at breakfast at the buffet downstairs. It wasn't really that nice. I think I only liked my cup of tea LOL.

 And then after that like some of you might have seen on Facebook, me and Jingwen and Kaiboon stayed in the lobby with two iPhones in our hands, taking turns to use the free Wifi ;). Must. Camwhore. To. Upload. On. Facebook. :OOO.

Then we checked out, and drove to KL, for lunch at some coffee shop or something LOL.

 My chicken rice which wasn't really as nice as Jingwen's and KB's char kway teowwwww :O.

One hour drive laterrrrrr.


 Checked in, then went to renew our annual passports :). Got like one whole stack of vouchers, including 50% of ticket prices for Flying Coaster ;).

 So we went to the outdoor theme park after we got our new (and with nicer profile pictures) annual passports, and after we bought fried chicken :), and played this ball game like we always do since it came up (Easiest for us to win prizes, almost all the Genting dolls we got was from this game LOL).

 KB got two small prizes and one large one, LOL. Awesomeeeeeee, for RM24.

 Some display we saw when walking back to the hotel room to rest for a while before going for dinner.


 And she and KB bought earphones here at some shop at the Cultural walk or something something, for RM10, but they didn't work as well as their ones LOL.

 That, is the large prize. Looks kinda scary :O.

 KB pretending to be macho -.-.

 And then we went back to the hotel to sleep before meeting our parents and grandfather for dinner LOL. Look at my Mini Shopaholic book AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA. And my sexy bum shoes/flats hurt a lot so I had to wear plasters D:.



 Before we set off for dinner. Jingwen insisted I toiletbombed her brother.

 Causeway bay or something, as usual. LOL.

 Fail camwhore shot LOL.

 Tried soft skin mode, and Jingwen's face looks flawless. And mine doesn't (D:) cause apparently my camera doesn't think my face is a face :(. I blocked the flash again :B.

 Still cannot detect my face D:.

 Awesome Ice Horlick's me and Jingwen ordered ;).

 Ordered French Toast cause I was kinda full and didn't feel like eating a lot. French toast was too oily cause of the butter and too much peanut butter :O.

My mum's and Jingwen's baked pasta LOL.

 After dinner, walked to the cinema to buy tickets for tomorrow's show, Megamind and Harry Potter 7 :D.

Then outdoor again cause usually it won't be as full as in the afternoon ;).


 Queueing up for the flying dragon LOL.

 Jingwen dared me to look up LOL.

 And when we went back to the hotel room my mum and Jeric taught KB how to play Texas Poker and they used coffee packets and sugar and tea and creamer packets as money, LOL.

And a very disgusting picture of my mosquito bite that I scratched too much to end off LOL.


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