Saturday, November 27, 2010

Don't change me.

For day four click 'Older Posts' or scroll down.  

Woke up at 9am or something, got ready to go down cause it was the last day that we're going to be there already so must spend fully. Headed down to lobby's Cafe cause we heard the prata there was nice :).
Trust me, the prata is delicious. Just forgot to take a picture of it that's all LOL. Only tried the chicken's skin, crispy and tender, nice :).

And then we saw that the line for this wasn't really that long so we lined up and sat on this boat. Macau one, is so much better. Real live singer some more LOL. And cute ;).

Throw coins to make a wish. Just realised I didn't make a wish. I just threw the coin I think :O.

Just look at the amount of coins there are in the water LOL.

The reindeer carriage ride thingy that we sat on.

And then we were getting really bored, and there was still time so we went to the internet cafe, again LOL.

AND I FOUND HIGH STREET 5 GASPS!!!!!!!!!! But I forgot my password and username already so never play :(((((. Sad lah.

Then watched Budget Barbie (Here - with Jingwen LOL. Episode loaded very slowly though :(, and HQ wasn't even on. 

Went to check out the Rolling Thunder Mine train, a lot of people outside queueing so we didn't bother going in anymore. So went to Outdoor Theme Park again, was wearing shorts but luckily it was quite sunny outside LOL. Played 6th round of Flying Coaster, awesomeeee (Y).  
Then went to get Baskin Robbins cause I wanted to try their Frozen Yoghurt and KB wanted to eat something cold. And then I decided to be UNhealthy and ordered Double Scoop. But it was a JUNIOR double scoop ;). Ordered Frozen Yoghurt and Cookies and Cream. Damn freaking awesome.

So awesome it deserves another picture.

And then we headed back to the hotel to check out :(((. You know why my boots are on the floor?

SADDDDDD D:. Although made in china lasted me for one year (and three, four times wearing only) LOL.
Left it in the hotel room :(.

One last picture of my sexy boots. I love you :').

And meanwhile my ice cream that was melting. But still delicious and damn freaking awesome AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA.

Still had until 2 o'clock before we left, so we went to Karaoke, to slack LOL.
RM33 for one hour for quite a big room, quite good actually ;D.

So cute, microphone caps they now look like ice cream LOLOLOLOL.

Jingwen so drama :O. LOL just kidding ;D. She only did that like once or twice only anyway LOL.

And then we bought Fried chicken to eat in the car and set off.

During the car ride my brother was sleeping so I played Mario Party on my DS on my own and I kept playing the same game over and over again as you can see. Cause I'm very good at this game ;D.
Yes, Peach is me and I rule ;D.

You press the buttons and you jump across the books or something, my fastest timing was around 12 seconds point something something or something lah LOL.

And then dropped off at some place for dinner. Same place as where we ate our breakfast the last time we went to Genting LOL.

I look like a perv LOL.

Quite nice, but I took too long removing the veggies LOL.

Didn't get to eat this.

Satay, the rice tasted a bit different from Singapore's one, but the Satay was the best dish in my opinion, sauce was hot too ;D.

Their speciality chicken wings, can't figure out what's the seasoning, but this tasted damn good :D.

Didn't get to eat this either.

Or this. Jingwen's favourite, sambal kang kong or something lah LOL.

Nice :).

Very fresh :D.

And the whole meal was only like what, thirty sing dollars only? DAMN CHEAP LAH. All this plus another plate of Satay.

And then we went to this store besides the food store cause I saw their pillows and they were damn cheap.

Bought a spongebob pillow, handphone charm and some soccer bolsters, LOL.

And then drove back to Singapore blah blah blah :).
Jignwen posted tooo >>>>>

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